Supporters can help the environment and represent Huddersfield Town against more than 30 other clubs by taking part in Planet Super League!
Each person living in the UK produces five to ten tonnes of COâ‚‚ per year, but the planet can only sustain one tonne of COâ‚‚ being emitted per person
Children will lead their families and friends at home to inspire small changes that can have a big impact on the environment.
The Town Foundation is delivering educational sessions in its partner primary schools, but people of all ages can take part and score points.
On the Planet Super League website you will find more than 60 planet-protecting activities. These range from everyday actions like cycling instead of driving to using old packaging in simple craft projects.
When completing an activity you will score one, two or three goals, equating to points for Huddersfield Town!
In addition to the prizes on offer, participants will learn new skills, be able to track the impact on their carbon footprint and feel good about helping the planet.
It is also hoped that you’ll spend more time together as a family, get fitter and healthier and save some money in the process.
To sign up, visit https://www.planetsuperleague.com/play and enter your details and family team name. You can then get started straight away.
Mini competitions will run throughout the season, with Planet Super League providing prizes for the most creative photos they receive, the biggest impact and for inviting friends.
It would be great if you could also share photos/videos of your activities with us on social media. You can tag @htafcfoundation on Facebook and Twitter and @htafc_foundation on Instagram.
If you would like more information on the Planet Super League project or the Foundation’s Primary School offering in general, please contact Premier League Primary Stars Manager Ruby Marlow on ruby.marlow@htafcfoundation.com.