The Huddersfield Town Foundation has facilitated training for 13 teachers to achieve the FA Primary Teachers Award during a Teacher CPD course through their Premier League Primary Stars Programme.  

The Huddersfield Town Foundation teamed up with The FA PE Unit at Deighton Sports Arena on Thursday 3 October to facilitated training for Primary School teachers to achieve the FA Primary Teachers Award Qualification.

The FA’s Primary Teachers’ Award has been designed to help various groups of teachers with a basic awareness of the contribution of an invasion game to the Physical Education Purpose of Study at KS1 and KS2.

The Qualification aims to provide links between the relevant subject content and invasion sport to support pupil learning.

The FA Primary Teachers Award training is the third Teacher CPD course that the Foundation have delivered in the past 18 months.

Thirteen teachers in total from schools across Kirklees attended the six-hour accredited training event.

The course is aimed at Qualified practising Primary School Teachers, those working towards becoming a Primary Teacher (e.g. currently studying for a PGCE Primary Qualification), Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTA’s) and undergraduate PE/Sport Coaching students considering Primary Teaching as a career.


The course covers a range of physical education topics including movement, multi-directional games, modified games and organisational strategies for school sports teams.


Learning outcomes from the course include recognising the role of invasion games, the ability to set up organised football lessons, organise basic FUNdamental games to help develop movement skills and modify learning activities to manage difference.

The Huddersfield Town Foundation have now supported 55 people to achieve this the FA Primary Teachers Award Qualification.

The Premier League Primary Stars is a programme that uses the power of the Premier League brand and professional football to enthuse and engage pupils and teachers inside and out of the classroom.

Across Kirklees The Huddersfield Town Foundation work in a number of schools providing literacy and maths interventions, PSHE workshops and PE support by using the badge and club branding to inspire children to learn, be active and develop important life skills.

Salma Younnis, Teacher CPD Course Participant from Carlinghow Royal Junior, Infant and Nursery, commented:

“Excellent delivery!

“I learnt a lot about invasion games and how they can be implemented in KS1 and KS2.”

Ruby Marlow, Huddersfield Town Foundation Primary Stars Manager, added:

“This was a fantastic thought-provoking course.

“The course provided such a vast subject knowledge and experience in PE delivery.

“All the teachers had plenty to take away with them and we received lots of positive feedback.

“We look forward to holding the CPD again soon!”

If you would like to take part in our next free CPD event, please contact ruby.marlow@htafcfoundation.com.

For more information on Premier League Primary Stars please visit www.plprimarystars.com.